Friday, June 03, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 51


Arthur Ramsey
I don't know who Arthur Ramsey is, or whether he is related to us or not. I have another picture of him with Maud Cartee. But Maud married Sam Hall, and she died when she was 20 years old (of tuberculosis). I'll bet there's an interesting story there -- if only I knew what it was!
Maud Cartee and Arthur Ramsey

Sylvia and Delbert Dye with their children Noma and Garland
Sylvia was a daughter of Marlie and Birdie Arnold

Nancy ("Nannie") Hicks Sandefur, age 84y 5m, with great-granddaughter Debbie Wright. Nannie was a sister to my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks
Back: Ida Mae and Viola Sandefur. Front: Malisa Hicks and Nancy Hicks Sandefur. Malisa is Nancy's mother. Mae and Viola are Nancy's daughters. In the picture above, the baby Nancy is holding is Viola's granddaughter.

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