Friday, June 24, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 65

Verlie Arnold, seventh child of George Ned Arnold. She was born in 1921 and celebrated her 100th birthday with her sister Joan (born 1923) last year.  As far as I know, Verlie and Joan are still living.
Verlie and Joan, March 2021

Joan Arnold, eighth child of George and Jessie Arnold. Jessie died a few months after Joan's birth. George later married Eula Mae Burnett and they had five children together.

George and Jessie's first three children: Amos, Arbie, and Wilma

Pearl, Record, Kenneth, and Dorisy Wheetley. Record married Bess Hicks, daughter of Pinkney Hicks. (Pinkney was a brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks.)

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