Thursday, June 16, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album page 58


Elizabeth Byrd and Adaline Arnold
Elizabeth and Adaline were stepsisters. Elizabeth's mother married Adaline's father.
 Here's what Adaline's daughter (Annie Arnold Hicks) wrote:

My Grandmother's name was Jane Evans before marriage.  She married a man by the name of Evans.  They had two children, Elizabeth and Joe. After a few years her first husband died and she soon married a man by the name of Carter and he soon died.  No children were born to them.  Then she married again, a man by the name of Carter.  This man had three children, Margaret, Mary, and Wesley so that made them five children to start with.  Then they had several children.  I will try to call their names.  Sarah Parlie, Adaline (my mother), John, Beckie, Tilda, George and Ellen.  

Etta Lee Arnold Jackson
sister of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.
Etta had six children. I don't know which one of them she is holding in this picture.

Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn
Mary was a half-sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold. This is the Mary that is mentioned in Annie's writing (above) - the daughter of Ned Jonas Carter and his first wife Melinda Clingan. Adaline was a daughter of Ned Jonas Carter and his second wife Jane Evans.

Ned Jonas Carter sired 14 children with his two wives, and had 2 stepchildren who were aged 5 and 7 when he married their mother Jane Evans. Two of the children (twins) from his first wife died at birth. So Ned Jonas Carter raised 14 children altogether -- the oldest child was 30 years old when the youngest child was born. Jane Evans was 20 years old when her first child was born, and she was 45 years old when she gave birth to her last (10th) child. She died at age 57.

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