Sunday, June 26, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 66


Ronald Gene Burford
Youngest son of Lester and Cleffie Hicks Burford

Wathada Jewell Burford (my mother), 11 days old
Oldest child and only daughter of Lester and Cleffie Hicks Burford

Cleffie Hicks Burford and Lester Burford (my grandparents)
These pictures were taken outside their home in Bald Knob, Arkansas, where they lived from 1969 to 1986.

Friday, June 24, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 65

Verlie Arnold, seventh child of George Ned Arnold. She was born in 1921 and celebrated her 100th birthday with her sister Joan (born 1923) last year.  As far as I know, Verlie and Joan are still living.
Verlie and Joan, March 2021

Joan Arnold, eighth child of George and Jessie Arnold. Jessie died a few months after Joan's birth. George later married Eula Mae Burnett and they had five children together.

George and Jessie's first three children: Amos, Arbie, and Wilma

Pearl, Record, Kenneth, and Dorisy Wheetley. Record married Bess Hicks, daughter of Pinkney Hicks. (Pinkney was a brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks.)

Thursday, June 23, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 64

Delbert and Sylvia Dye, Lois, Dorothy Mae, and Hope
Sylvia was the daughter of Marlie Arnold

George, Annie, John, Marlie, and Etta Arnold 
Children of Henry and Adaline Arnold 
Annie is my great-grandmother.

Glynda Faye Carter 
Daughter and only child of Ned Jackson Carter and his first wife Helen, who died four days after Glynda's birth 

Arbie, Wilma, and Amos Arnold 
George Ned Arnold's first three children with his first wife Jessie Tamsett 
Amos died at age 7 from typhoid fever

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 63

The Gus Baes Family, Coloma, Michigan
I assume these were friends - maybe from church, maybe not.

Arthur Ramsey and Maude Cartee
I would almost assume this was a wedding or engagement picture, but Maude actually married Sam Hall, not Arthur Ramsey. (Well, I suppose she could have married Ramsey first, before Sam Hall. But she died of tuberculosis at age 20, so I doubt if she had time to be married twice.)

Sylvia Arnold Dye and son Garland
Sylvia was a daughter of Marlie Arnold, younger brother of Annie Arnold Hicks (my great-grandmother)

Vernell Hicks
Eleven days old (of course)

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Family HIstory Miscellaneous album, page 62


Christmas 1949 - Charles & Evalee, Jack & Ruby, Doc (not pictured) & Irene, and their children
Here is a tagged version of that photo:

Lowell and Olan slopping the hogs

Monday, June 20, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous, page 61

 Betty Ruth Barnwell, Viva Wadley, Wathada Burford, Oma Lee Cozart, Shirley Ann Barnwell 
at Milton Street Church of Christ about 1948

Elvin Hicks

Olan Hicks

Olan Hicks, age 2

Saturday, June 18, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 60

The photo says PRIMARY DEPARTMENT. Probably a church group. Names written on the photo include: Lula Fletcher's girl, Clo Fletcher, Willa Bell Binken (?), Lula Fletcher, Buck, Irene Yingling, Irene Yingling's boy, Irene Yingling's baby boy, Jimmy Jones, Beverly, Mona Waller's kids 

Alvis Jackson (Etta Arnold's oldest child)

Wilma Arnold and Agnes Carter (Agnes was Wilma's aunt, but they were near the same age)

Friday, June 17, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 59


The baby in the buggy on the porch is Irene Hicks. I don't know who the other people are. I assume they came to Ulys Hicks to have their picture taken. (He was a professional photographer at the time.) The back of the photo just says "Irene in the buggy 1915"
(Maybe it's just me, but look at those faces... Don't they look like something out of a Stephen King movie?)

Marion Carroll Jackson and her husband Norman Allender. Marion is the youngest daughter of Etta Arnold Jackson. Etta died of tuberculosis when Marion was 5 years old. Marion and Norman were missionaries in Mexico.

John Davidson Arnold
brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks

Thursday, June 16, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album page 58


Elizabeth Byrd and Adaline Arnold
Elizabeth and Adaline were stepsisters. Elizabeth's mother married Adaline's father.
 Here's what Adaline's daughter (Annie Arnold Hicks) wrote:

My Grandmother's name was Jane Evans before marriage.  She married a man by the name of Evans.  They had two children, Elizabeth and Joe. After a few years her first husband died and she soon married a man by the name of Carter and he soon died.  No children were born to them.  Then she married again, a man by the name of Carter.  This man had three children, Margaret, Mary, and Wesley so that made them five children to start with.  Then they had several children.  I will try to call their names.  Sarah Parlie, Adaline (my mother), John, Beckie, Tilda, George and Ellen.  

Etta Lee Arnold Jackson
sister of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.
Etta had six children. I don't know which one of them she is holding in this picture.

Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn
Mary was a half-sister of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold. This is the Mary that is mentioned in Annie's writing (above) - the daughter of Ned Jonas Carter and his first wife Melinda Clingan. Adaline was a daughter of Ned Jonas Carter and his second wife Jane Evans.

Ned Jonas Carter sired 14 children with his two wives, and had 2 stepchildren who were aged 5 and 7 when he married their mother Jane Evans. Two of the children (twins) from his first wife died at birth. So Ned Jonas Carter raised 14 children altogether -- the oldest child was 30 years old when the youngest child was born. Jane Evans was 20 years old when her first child was born, and she was 45 years old when she gave birth to her last (10th) child. She died at age 57.

Friday, June 10, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 57

Ola Romalow and children (Ulys' niece, David's daughter) Hazel, Harold, Harvey

Harold Romalow died 28 April 1929, age 6, cause of death: blood poisoning from nail puncture wound in foot.

Harvey Romalow died 21 Dec 1931, age 3y 6m 5d, cause of death: gangrene/toxemia (blood poisoning)

Hazel D. Romalow Williams (married to Everett J. Williams) died 22 Aug 1937, age 20, cause of death: lobar pneumonia/pregnancy with eclampsia

Not sure who this is. I think it is George Bullard's second wife Mary Alice Moorehead Bullard. She was first married to Daniel Robinson in 1891 and they had two sons, Levi and Herbert. About 1904 she married George H. Bullard, who was an uncle of John Henry Arnold, and they had daughters, Margaret Tessie and Georgia Alice. (See photo below.)

Arthur Ramsey and Maud Cartee. Not sure why they are together in this photo -- maybe they were engaged at one time? I don't think Arthur is related to our family. She married Sam Hall. She died at age 20 from tuberculosis.

Thursday, June 09, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 56


Mell Hamby
He is the grandson of George Bullard - the son of Leona Bullard Hamby
George Bullard, with his sister Peggy, raised their nephew John Henry Arnold (my great-great-grandfather)

John Henry Hicks and Malisa Evaline Burns Hicks
parents of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks

Arnold and Hicks kids riding mules