Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 44

George Thomas Carter family
Wife Laura (aka Larah) Wilkerson Carter, children Lena, Frank, Etta (baby)
Laura was killed in a tornado in 1938; she was 58 years old.
George was a son of Ned Jonas Carter. His sister was my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

Lena Carter
Daughter of George and Laura Carter. Her full name was Alice Eleanor.

Frank's full name was James Franklin. He married Vesta Mae Springfield. Here is a note from Glynda Carter Tucker's family history: Vesta Mae was granddaughter of Margaret Carter Rhoades, so she and Frank were cousins. They were divorced.

Here is a picture of sisters Lena and Etta Carter at the annual Carter/Arnold family reunion in 1983:

Minerva Adaline Carter Arnold
My great-great-grandmother
She was a sister to George Thomas Carter.

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