Sunday, May 01, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 30


Ron, Morris, Bob, Wathada, Buck, Beverly

Opie and Obie Arnold
(Uncle George's twin girls)

Ray and Carl Ray Leatherwood (Vernell's)

Bernice, Olan, Oma Dell
(here is an enhanced version of that photo)

Back - Evalee and Vernell 
Front - Olan, Oma Dell, Lowell, Bernice
(Judsonia, Arkansas)

Wathada, Morris, Bob, Ron, Cleffie, Beverly, Lester, Charles, Buck
This is the same photo as yesterday, but this time Cleffie is in the picture and Evalee is behind the camera.

Beverly, Ronnie, Bobby, Buck, Morris, Wathada
I think this picture was taken on Easter Sunday

Some of Annie and Ulys' grandchildren - (L-R) Ron, Bob, Beverly, Buck, Bobbie (Irene's), Carl Ray, Mary Gail, Velda
(That little parade in the background would be the mothers of these children - Cleffie, Evalee, Irene, Vernell...)
Here is an enhanced version of that same photo

Ella Randolph, Judy Smith, Charles Jones
(I don't know where they are or what they're doing. And I don't know who Ella Randolph and Judy Smith are.)

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