Thursday, May 12, 2022

Family history miscellaneous album, page 35


Hicks brothers: Ulysses, Felix, Pinkney, David

Mary Norris 
(no idea who she is)

William Medaris, preacher
(not sure of the spelling of his last name)
I don't know who these men are. It looks like they have cut up some huge trees.

William Medaris
a preacher (I don't know anything else about him)

Albert and Tot Williams' house. They had a store in the front part of the house. I don't know who the child is standing next to Uncle Albert. Tot and Albert had two sons and three daughters. All three daughters died in childhood. ("Aunt Tot" was Charlotte Hicks, sister of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks.)

John Norris Rhoades, husband of Margaret Carter Rhoades. Margaret was a sister to my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

Sylvia Arnold and "Herschel"
Sylvia was the daughter of Marlie Arnold (brother to Annie Arnold Hicks)
I have no idea who Herschel is.

Back of photo says "Abner Rhoades' boys"
Abner Rhoades and his wife Juliana had six sons. I don't know which two these are.
Abner was the husband of Margaret Carter.

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