Monday, May 02, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album, page 31


L-R: Beverly, Morris, Bob, Wathada, Buck, Ronnie
children of Evalee and Charles Jones, Cleffie and Lester Burford

L-R: Oma Dell, Ruby, Jack, Charles, Ulys
Below is the same picture with a little secret I just now discovered...

Beverly and Buck hiding behind the vegetation (I don't know what kind of field this was, or why they had their picture taken standing in it)

L-R: Vernell, Cleffie, Olan, Ulys, Lowell, Annie, Irene, Ruby, Bernice, Evalee

L-R: Evalee, Beverly, Wathada, Lester, Cleffie, Ronnie, Buck, Morris

Evalee, Wathada, Cleffie

L-R: Morris, Beverly, Ronnie, Bob, Wathada, Buck
Bob is holding a dog in a sweater -- pretty sure that was Charles and Evalee's dog, I think his name was Boots.

Charles Fletcher Jones III (aka Buck)

The first five stairsteps... Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Elvin, Evalee. 
They had been eating watermelon.

Bill and Bernice, Elaine and Lowell, at Whirlpool Old Timers Banquet

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