Friday, April 08, 2022

Miscellaneous family history album, page 13 raw


This is page 13 of the album, the original scan

Here are the individual photos:

Russell Hicks and Oma Dell

Jack Barnett, Charles Jones, Lester Burford, Ray Leatherwood, Jay Bridges, Olan Hicks, Lowell Hicks

Adaline Carter "Maw" Arnold, Annie Arnold Hicks

Back: Lester, Cleffie, Elaine, Lowell. Front: Bob, Ron, Morris, Wathada.

Elvin and Evalee Hicks

Evalee and Cleffie. (I never noticed this before, but Ron and Beverly are hiding in the grass in this picture! Also Buck -- I think -- in the bushes behind them. It must have been taken the same day as this picture of Annie...)
In this picture you can also see Wathada and Bob in the bushes on the right.

Barbara Hicks and Elaine Hicks (wives of Olan and Lowell)

The back of this picture says: "Bett and Sarah, sisters of Adeline Carter Arnold". I wonder about this, though, because the only sister named Sarah died at age 33. There was a Mary Elizabeth (Bett?), who would have been 11 years older than Sarah. Even if Sarah (left) was 33 when this picture was taken, Elizabeth would have been 44 years old -- and she looks much older than that to me. If the woman on the left is Sarah, the child could be her youngest daughter Minnie, who was born six years before Sarah died. Here are two other pictures I have of Sarah and Elizabeth. What do you think?

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