Thursday, April 07, 2022

Family history miscellaneous album, page 12


1. Beverly Jones - I'm not sure what she's hanging from
2. Irene Hicks Barnett
3. Bernice, Olan, Lowell
4. Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Evalee, Vernell, Bernice
5. Irene, Annie holding Cleffie, Ruby
6. Verlie Arnold Garrett and her children, L-R: Leon, Youl, Glen, Verletta, Wes
7. Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks
8. Bernice, Lowell, Olan, Oma Dell
9. Margaret Rhoades and her daughter Martha

Here are the originals as scanned:

*   *   *

I might get lazy and just start posting the album pages as scanned, instead of creating a fancy digital version...

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