Saturday, April 16, 2022

Family history miscellaneous album, page 17


Evalee and Elvin Hicks

Ruby and Cleffie Hicks

Larry Wayne Rapert
grandson of Marlie and Birdie Arnold

Elmer Reed and Opie Arnold

Oneida Hicks
Oneida was the daughter of Herbert Hicks
Herbert was the son of Pinkney ("Uncle Pink") Hicks - brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks

Mayrose Hicks
daughter of Lowell and Elaine Hicks

Calvin and Wincel Jackson
children of Etta ("Aint Eddy") Arnold Jackson - sister of my great-grandmother Annie Hicks

Chad Hicks
son of Chuck and Melinda Hicks
Chuck is the son of Olan and Barbara Hicks

Kaylene Mary Provance
daughter of Tommy Joe Provance, Jr. 
Tommy was the son of Betty Ruth Barnett Provance
Betty Ruth was the daughter of Irene Hicks Barnett - sister of my grandmother Cleffie Burford

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