Thursday, April 28, 2022

Family history miscellaneous album, page 28


Back: Charles Jones and Jack Barnett. Front: Buck, Morris, Oma Dell, Elaine, Wathada

Barbara (Olan's wife) and Elaine (Lowell's wife)

Evalee Jones and Mildred Hicks (Elvin's wife)

Buck Jones, Ronnie and Bob Burford

Elvin, Charles, Vernell. Wathada in front, holding her new doll.

Ruby, Cleffie, Annie, Evalee, Vernell, Bernice

Irene Hicks Barnett

Ulys and Annie's farm, near Baroda, Michigan, Christmas 1950

There are a whole bunch of pictures of people standing out in the snow (freezing) posing for pictures. I'm pretty sure they were all taken on this occasion. It would have been the last Christmas on the farm before Ulys and Annie moved to town. Here's what Annie wrote --

    When we came to Michigan, we worked on a farm in 1941 and 1942. In the fall of ’42 we got jobs in the shops and the children went to school at Bridgman, and we drove to Benton Harbor to work. In the summer of 1943, we rented an apartment at  120 Sixth Street in Benton Harbor and stayed there six years. In the meantime, in 1945 we bought a 20 acre farm about 20 miles south of Benton Harbor. We rented the farm out for three years, then we moved on it and Ulys quit working in the shop but I kept working till 1953. Ulys worked in the shop till 1948. He got so disabled that we sold the farm and bought a house in Benton Harbor at 602 Empire. He didn’t work any more, but I worked about two years more. We bought the house in Benton Harbor the fall of 1951. 

Here's a picture of the house on Empire in Benton Harbor
This is where Annie and Ulys lived when I was growing up.

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