Wednesday, December 07, 2022

Ghosts of Xmas Past - miscellaneous


This would have been Christmas of 1955. Donna and I were both one year old. Not sure where the picture was taken. (Donna is a cousin -- the daughter of my mom's cousin Oma Dell.) Looks like I'm playing with a pump from an industrial size ketchup dispenser. (Weird) 

Dianne, Richard, Grandpa Thomas, Eileen, Kim, Ricky, Mick, Greg. (Grandma is there, too -- behind Mick.) This would have been 1958, I think -- Ricky would have been two years old, and Kim a year and a half. This was taken at Bernarde and Eileen's house -- before they moved over to the new house on the lake. The old house was across the street from the lake shore. I don't have a picture of that house. I wish I did. I have some good memories of that place -- playing hide-and-seek out in the yard, catching fireflies, walking over to the lake to go swimming... The boys' bedrooms were upstairs -- I remember them playing with one of those 'electronic' football games where the whole thing vibrated and the little plastic football players would run all over the field... That was high tech back then!

Wathada and Aunt Eileen. This looks like our house on Haver Street in Hartford, so it would have been around 1969 or 1970. 

This is me, sitting in the living room of our house on Haver Street in Hartford. Probably 1969 -- our first Christmas in that house. The room behind me was the dining room. The door in the background was the door to my bedroom. The electric guitar on the floor was most likely Rick's -- looks like this might have been Christmas Eve (there are still some wrapped presents behind the guitar). I think we had everyone at our house for Xmas Eve that year. See that ultra-modern TV with a swivel base? 

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