Tuesday, December 06, 2022

Ghosts of Xmas Past - at Bernarde and Eileen's


I'm not sure these were all taken the same year. It would have been around 1967 or 1968. I think it was the first Christmas after Bernarde and Eileen moved into their new house on the lake.

Grandma & Grandpa Thomas, Wathada, Eileen & Bernarde (and John eyeing the food). Probably 1967.

Grandpa Thomas and Dianne
(Remember stretch pants with stirrups?) Looks like I got a new white shirt this year.
When we were little, Mom always threatened us not to complain if the presents we got from Grandma and Grandpa were clothes -- they usually were -- instead of toys. 

Kim, Red, Mick. Looks like Red got a new shirt, too.

John, Mick
These last two pictures might have been 1968. 

We always spent Christmas Eve with Dad's family, either at our house or Grandma & Grandpa's or Bernarde & Eileen's. Christmas Day we usually stayed home to open 'Santa' presents and play with our new toys.

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