Thursday, December 08, 2022

Ghosts of Xmas Past - 1960


1960 was a banner year for me. I got not one but TWO dolls from Santa!
Well, you see, here's how it happened...
In the 1950s television came into its own. And immediately it became a huge influence on the population because ADVERTISING. And when the holiday season rolled around in 1960, the big must-have toy was a magical new invention -- a doll that could TALK. No, really talk! Just pull the ring attached to a string at the back of her neck and a recorded voice would say one of a dozen or so recorded phrases in a real little-girl voice. Well... we watched TV, just like all American families -- and so of course I just HAD to have a Chatty Cathy, and I knew Santa Claus would bring me one. What I didn't know was that "Santa" had already bought me a Patti Playpal doll (who was the must-have new doll on the market from the previous year). What was "Santa" to do? 
Patti Playpal was almost as tall as me.

Patti could stand up all by herself -- and even hold her little sister Chatty Cathy! (I was in hog heaven.)

And, to top it all off, I also got a MINK STOLE!! 

But wait, there's more!...

That was a pretty amazing Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. What a riot! Great stories. My mom found one of those tall walking dolls at a garage sale. She bought her clothes for all the seasons.


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