Friday, December 02, 2022

Ghosts of Xmas Past - 1958

How we did xmas before email and social media.

Top left: Grandpa Thomas, Wathada, Dianne, Grandma Thomas, Ricky
Top right: Dianne, Kim, Bernarde, Eileen
Bottom left: Ricky and Huckleberry Hound
Bottom right: Ricky and Dianne

Mom and Dad had run across the street to Ashel and Marian Miller's house for a few minutes, and I took the opportunity to get an early peek at my Xmas presents under the tree. I told Ricky to go to the picture window and be my lookout. Well, at the time we had not yet discovered that Ricky's eyesight was so bad -- he couldn't have seen Mom and Dad coming across the street to save his (my) life! Fortunately, I didn't get caught. But I well remember that Xmas morning... trying to act genuinely surprised when I opened my presents. That cured me, and I never tried it again.

These pictures were taken at our house on Union Street in Bangor, Michigan, in 1958. My dad built the wooden room dividers, turning the huge space into a living room and dining room. That house also had a parlor on the other side of the entryway. (Oh, and the house was haunted. I recently ran across a family that lived there 20 years after my folks sold the house -- and they confirmed that it was still haunted when they lived in it. The house has been torn down since then.)

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