Monday, December 19, 2022

Ghosts of Xmas Past - 1981 at Bald Knob

And then there was the year that it snowed in Arkansas and our plumbing froze and ruptured... So we spent our Xmas at Grandma and Papa Burford's house in Bald Knob. 

Christopher and me playing in the snow at Burfords' house in Bald Knob


This picture obviously wasn't taken that Xmas. It was taken in 1986. (That's Cleffie at the door.) It's the only picture I have that shows the outside of their house.

Me and Keith and Christopher

1 comment:

  1. Love to these. I loved that Bald Knob house (with swings in the summer). So many nice memories there. Your hair was cute shirt. Loved your coat. Was that a muff on your hand?


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