Wednesday, November 10, 2021

What does age 67 look like?

 What does age 67 look like? Here are pictures of my mother and grandmothers and great-grandmothers at or around age 67...

Photo: Me with grandpa and grandma Thomas. Grandma was 67.

Great-grandparents Ulys and Annie Hicks, 1960. Annie was 67.

My parents, Red and Wathada Thomas. Wathada was 67.

Photo: Mabel and John Treat, Marcus and Massie Treat (my great grandparents), Jack Treat. Massie was probably right around 67 years old in this picture. (Jack would have been about 12 years old.)

My grandmother, Cleffie Burford, around age 67. (Actually, she would have been 68 in this picture from 1985.)

My great-grandmother Lora Burford. I don't really know when this picture was taken. She would have been 67 years old in 1944. This looks about right to me. The only dated pictures I have of her were taken much later -- in the 1960s.
Can't see her very well in this picture, but this would be my great-grandmother Nancy Thomas around age 67. She's holding grandson Roger. He was born in 1922, and Nancy would have been 67 in 1925.

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