Saturday, November 13, 2021

November 13


This is the only picture I have on which someone used the back of the photo to blot her lipstick.
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Verlie had six children, the last two being twins who died at birth. Her children who lived were sons West, Leon, and Youl Glen (I don't know if he was called Youl or Glen), and daughter Verletta.  All of Verlie's sons have died. West was killed by a bull at age 15. Leon died in 2007, and Youl Glen died in 2018. Here's a picture of Verletta, taken in May of this year, at Verlie's 100th birthday party.

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If you're wondering why some of the pictures have pink tape on the edges, it's because my scanner is made for documents and it doesn't like to scan black and white pictures. They come out looking like this:
But after a long while I figured out that if I can fool the scanner into thinking it's a color photo, then it will scan it all right.
So I started putting a piece of colored washi tape on the leading edge of the black-and-white pictures when I run them through the scanner, and... voila!

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