Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Mary and Lillie Dunn

"Hello Annie This is my picture ...(?)... isn't mamma only just in the face but when you look at my picture you are looking at Lillie. I will send you a piece of my dress I had on it looks like white in the picture but it isn't."

addressed to Mrs Annie Hicks, Banner, Ark.

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Can't remember if I've posted this one before or not. This is Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn and her youngest daughter Lillie Dunn. I think the handwriting on the back of the card must be Lillie's. Mary Elizabeth Carter Dunn was a half-sister to my great-great-grandmother Adaline ("Maw") Arnold. Annie Hicks, my great-grandmother, was Adaline's daughter. So Annie and Lillie would have been first cousins.


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