Wednesday, November 03, 2021

November 3

"We stayed all nite here the 21th, Madge's & John's & us when Aunt Bell died. Was buried Tues, May 22 -- '62"

I didn't go with them on this trip to Ohio in 1962. The handwriting on the card is my grandmother's -- Christie Thomas. Aunt Belle was grandma's aunt, sister of Marcus Treat. Aunt Belle's daughter was Faun, my favorite one of the Ohio relatives. Faun and I shared the same birthday, and we always exchanged birthday cards every year until her death. When I went to Ohio with Grandma and Grandpa every year we usually spent a night or two at Faun's house. I remember going to Aunt Belle's house at least once. She had long long hair -- she never cut her hair in her life until just shortly before her death (because it was giving her headaches). She wore it in a long braid that actually touched the floor when she walked. That's the main thing I remember about Aunt Belle. 

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