Tuesday, February 21, 2023

In Memoriam - February 21

 Floyd Ambrose Morell was born 21 February 1952

I'm not sure just how to describe my relationship with Floyd. He came into my life when I was the choir director and Fairhope Christian Church, and we were interviewing applicants for accompanist. Even before I heard him play the piano, though, he seemed special in some way. (To me, at least. Not necessarily to the rest of the committee.) Then when we did hear him play the piano -- wow! I wish I could attach a recording to this post, so you could hear him play -- he was hired on the spot. We worked together with the choir for a couple years, until Floyd's failing health became too much for him to overcome. During that time, Floyd had an influence on me that I still can't quite find words to describe. "Coming home" is the closest I can get. Somehow, Floyd helped me to remember who I was, deep inside -- which I didn't even realize I had forgotten. When my mother first met him, she told me she felt something special about him, too. She said she thought he might be an angel. I've thought a lot about that since then, and I think she might be right. The Bible says, "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Floyd might have been one of them.

Floyd Ambrose Morell died 28 August 2012, at age 60. 

Rest in peace.

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