Saturday, September 10, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 19


Family picnic (I assume). Annie has her back to the camera -- on her knees, on the right. The man to the right of Annie looks like Lester. To the left of him -- standing, with hat on -- is Ulys. I can't really make out who all the others are. I think I see Wathada, Bob, Buck, Vernell... Irene? Bobbie Rene? 

Bernice, Olan, Lowell

Annie Hicks, Nannie Hicks (Ulys' sister), Ulys Hicks

Back: Lester, Cleffie, Elaine, Lowell
Front: Bobby, Ronnie, Morris, Wathada

Hicks and Jones kids: Beverly, Ronnie, Bobby, Buck, Morris, Wathada
They lived in the house in the background -- Charles and Evalee lived upstairs, Lester and Cleffie lived downstairs.

Olan Hicks, Ray Leatherwood, Lester Burford

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