Saturday, September 03, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 13

L-R: Charles, Betty, Ruby, Buck, Evalee, June, Jack, Velma Lee, Oma Dell, Bobbie, Beverly, Irene
Xmas 1948

Cleffie holding Morris, Wathada (front), Oma Dell, Ruby

Back to front: Oma Dell, Vernell, Wathada (with doll)

Evalee and Mildred (Elvin's wife)

Buck Jones and Bob Burford
(I think Aunt Irene was the main one who called him Bobby Neil. She loved double names.)

Ulys and Annie

I haven't quite figured out yet who everyone is in this picture. I think the back row is Lester, Annie, Cleffie, Olan, and Ulys. (I wouldn't recognize Cleffie from this photo -- but I know she was sickly for a few years, so if that is her, it would have been during that time period.) Front left is Lowell. Seated at the table are Bernice and Barbara, I'm pretty sure. Ronnie is standing next to Bernice. I really can't figure out who the two babies are -- maybe Clint and Chuck? Or some of Lowell's? There's another child standing in front of Lester (hidden by Lowell's head.) Could be Bob. Not sure what year this would be -- some time around 1950? Maybe earlier. Looks like Thanksgiving or Xmas dinner, maybe. 

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