Sunday, September 04, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 14


Beverly, Lowell, Annie and Ulys
I don't know where this was taken -- or where this "Town... Variety Store" is. Looks like Judsonia, Arkansas, but I can't be sure.

Elvin Hicks and Charles Jones

Five of the six Hicks sisters, in order of birth. Irene was missing.

Ulysses and Annie Hicks

Evalee and Elvin Hicks, Verlie Arnold
Verlie was a daughter of Annie's brother George

Wathada and Vernell

Ruby and Cleffie

Oma Dell, Ruby, Bernice
(Ruby looks so YOUNG in this picture!)

BACK: "Ma" Arnold (Annie's mother), Annie and Ulys
FRONT: Bernice, Norma Jean, Lowell
I still haven't figured out who Norma Jean is. I have quite a few pictures of her, as a child and an adult, with the family. Don't know if she's a cousin or just a friend.

*   *   *

I don't know who wrote on the fronts of so many of the pictures. It seems so taboo to me, that I can't bring myself to do it. On the other hand, I'm so THANKFUL to the person(s) who did! Especially when the pictures are in albums, so you can't see what's written on the back of the photo. I have it in my head that it was Irene who did most of these. She's not the only one, though, because sometimes it's different handwriting. These Hicks siblings were not strictly bound by tradition or the unwritten rules that other people live by. They were highly intelligent and creative thinkers (and talkers). I'm glad to have had their influence in my life when I was growing up. 

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