Wednesday, September 07, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 17


Evalee and Cleffie (Ronnie and Beverly in the grass -- I just now noticed for the first time!)

Ruby and Cleffie

Cleffie Hicks and Irene Barnett (daughter of Earl and Luvena Barnett)

Irene Hicks and Lorene Barnett (the other daughter of Earl and Luvena)

Clint, Jeannie, and Chuckie Hicks
children of Olan and Barbara

Elvin and Evalee

Olan's family
*This is a double exposure, which makes it look like they have an extra kid. That would be Jeannie, who apparently moved more than the others between the two snapshots.

Burford and Jones kids - Morris, Beverly, Ronnie, Bob (holding Boots), Wathada, Buck

Burford and Jones kids again. Bev, Morris, Bob, Wathada, Buck, Ronnie.
This was not taken the same day as the other one. Looks like it might be in the same place, though. Pretty cold day for a walk in the park.

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