Tuesday, September 27, 2022

More new old photos


Vernell Hicks

Velda, Carl, Mary Leatherwood

Velda and Mary
(this is how they look in my childhood memories)

Not sure who this is, but it looks like Elvin Hicks to me

Ray and Vernell with Carl and Velda

Picture on the right is new -- picture on the left I already had, but didn't know there was a companion to it. "Our gang" includes Vernell and Evalee (I think). I'm not sure who the rest are, but I've assumed this could be friends from work...? Or school? Help me out here, peeps...

Again, not sure who these children are. I'm guessing Olan and Vernell Hicks.

Carl Ray Leatherwood
Isn't he just the cutest thing?

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