Sunday, February 14, 2021

Valentine's Day


All nine children of my great-grandparents, Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks, with their spouses.
TOP: Irene and Golden 'Doc' Barnett, Cleffie and Lester Burford, Ruby and Arvil 'Jack' Barnett.
MIDDLE: Elvin and Mildred Hicks, Evalee and Charles Jones, Vernell and Ray Leatherwood.
BOTTOM: Olan and Barbara Hicks, Bernice and Jay Bridges, Lowell and Elaine Hicks.

Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks:
1910, shortly before they were married.

Annie and Ulys' 50th wedding anniversary, with their nine children - Ruby, Cleffie, Irene, Lowell, Elvin, Olan, Vernell, Evalee, Bernice.

(Their first child, a boy, was stillborn in 1911. In this photo I am sure he was present in spirit for this occasion, as evidenced by the orb near the ceiling.)

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