Saturday, February 06, 2021

February 6

Adaline Lucretia Gard Gibson 1850

Zella Irene Hicks Barnett 1915-2002

Also... Dorothy L Burford 1946-1973, Jason James Daugherty 1976, Jennifer Mischelle Owen 1978, Lawrence Thompson Burford 1916-1998, Rebecca Catherine Dunn 1863, Temperance Lough 1824.

Note for Dorothy L Burford -- Dorothy was the wife of Ted Burford (son of Killough Burford). Ted and Dorothy and their baby son, Michael, were living in an apartment building in Alameda, California. On February 7, 1973, a navy jet on a routine training flight crashed into their apartment building. Ted and his wife and their son were all killed, along with several other people in the building, as well as the pilot of the jet.

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