Wednesday, February 03, 2021

February 3

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ... Jennifer Lynn Hicks 1982, Susan Gard 1842-1861, W H Fred Gard 1895-1897.

ANNIVERSARIES... Garreth Johnson married Joyce Sue Pfifer 1943, Stella Frances Gibson married Edward H Miller 1909, Resin Gard married Sarah Mills 1830.

MEMORIALS ... Norma Jean Carter Douglas died 1960, Ulysses Fillmore Hicks died 1965.

I don't have pictures of any of these people except Ulysses Hicks (my great-grandfather). Here is a postcard he sent to Annie Arnold in 1909, before they were married. Ulys is the man on the left in the photo. The other man is Will Anderson. On the card Ulys wrote, "I promised this to someone, was it you?"

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