Sunday, February 21, 2021

February 21

Clyde Larve Tatum 1935, Lynn Nicholson 1953, Mary Leona Williams 1909, Matthew Wehrly 1983, Vincent Scott Heinze 1967.

Raymond Arnold married Barbara Neldon 1976, John M Burford married Mary “Polly” Berry 1818, Charles Gard married Martha Nunley 1858.

MEMORIAL... William Jackson Dunn died 1951.

I don't have pictures of any of these people. So here are some pictures I just found yesterday while searching the internet for family history information:

Avery and Ila Cummings

who are the parents of Henry 'Captain Hank' Cummings.

Captain Hank has written a couple of interesting books on the Gibson family history.

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