Sunday, February 28, 2021

February 29


Cynthia Jewell Bridges 1952

Leslie Ellis Leeth 1884-1942
pictured with wife Rebecca Parker Leeth and daughter Vera Juanita

February 28


Alvin Herman Arnold 1943, Glynda Barrett 1950, Jerry Keith Arnold 1955, Sarah Hayden 1778.


William Earl Tatum and Sarah Lavada Carter 1930

Saturday, February 27, 2021

February 27


Fiina Herranen Ford 1905-2001

Fiina Herranen Ford

Fiina Herranen Ford, 96, passed away Tuesday, 21 August 2001, at the Rosebud Health Care Center in Forsyth, MT. She was born in Sand Coulee, MT, on 27 February 1905 to Otto and Fiina (Luoma) Herranen. Fiina returned to Finland with her parents for a year when she was two years old. She spent her childhood on a farm near Roberts, MT, where she walked three miles to school every day.

Fiina graduated from Roberts High School and the Good Samaritan School of Nursing in Los Angeles, CA. There she met Otho S. Ford, a budding musician, and they were married in Tijuana, Mexico, 17 November 1928.

Fiina's outstanding qualities were her willingness to give of herself for others and her love for the Lord Jesus Christ. She was a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother. Her husband died 16 August 1980. Survivors include two daughters, Della (Dewey) Emmett of Hysham, MT, and Effie (Howard) Siggins of Turlock, CA; six grandchildren, eleven great-grandchildren, and nine great-great-grandchildren.

*     *     *

Other family birthdays today... Marcus John Treat 1989, Alexander Sheppard 2000, Gladys Deloris Price 1926, Justin Edward Murphy 1978, Olive Mae "Ola" Leeth (Parker) 1891-1948.

Friday, February 26, 2021

February 26

Barbara Jean Neldon 1958, Caleb Gard 1853-1939, Carson James Arnold 2000, Flossie Thomas 1889-1889 (age 4m 27d), Paul Raymond Newman 1976.

I don't have pictures of any of the birthday people. 

Thomas Lee 'Tommy' Reeves married Betsy Lee Barnes 1972.

I don't have pictures of them.

Lenna Belle Hood died 1998, Hazel Amy Burford Johnson (pictured) died 1967, Ray Isaac Daugherty (pictured) died 1965.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

February 25

Bertha Ann "Annie" Arnold Hicks 1893-1972

John Davidson Arnold 1895-1954 
Larah Ann Elizabeth Wilkerson Carter 1880-1938 

Mary Lou Frazee Sykes 1933 

Alma Hughlene Hood 1946, Deborah Lynn Treat 1955 
Linda Sue Slocum Carwell 1946
Sarah Elizabeth Gard 1858-1880
Sue Ann Baldwin 1941

Caleb Gard married Catherine Davis 1875

Justus Gard died 1870
Jacob Seals died 1898

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

February 24


Amos Doyle Arnold 1912-1919 (died at age 7 of typhoid fever)
Pictured here with sisters Arbie and Wilma. 

Amy Lorene Tamsett (Carter) 1882-1968

Joan Louise Colman (Treat) 1935-2001

Odice Hallmark Hicks 1908 
(He is the boy in the picture, with older sister Rosie and younger sister Odelcie.)

Vernie Davidson 1915-2001 Pictured with his wife, Obie.

ALSO... Amy Teresa Baker 1963, Dewey D Emmett 1929, Emily Grace Taylor 2004, James Charles Luker 1942, Paul Franklin Jones Jr 1960, Penny Armstrong 1945, Stella Marqueta Reed 1932, Victor Mann Davidson 1972.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

February 23


Elvin Reed 1913-1985
This is a picture of Elvin with Wilma Arnold. I don't know if they were married yet or not when this picture was taken. Wilma was a cousin to my grandmother, Cleffie, who eventually married Elvin's brother Elmer in 1999 when they were both in their 80s (pictured). In fact, I have a photo of young Elmer with Wilma's sister Opie (pictured). I've often joked about how Cleffie met her husband at a family reunion... *pause for delayed chuckles* ... now you know why.

Monday, February 22, 2021

February 22

Helen Alice Burford Walters 1901-1984 
Pictured: Sherman and Helen Walters with daughter Frances.

Jessica Anne Beukelman 2000

John Edward Garrett 1920-2003

ALSO... Anthony Hernandez Jr 1990, Arnold Wesley Slocum 1922, Harold Glendale Leeth 1913-1913 age 2 months, John Michail Till 1992, Lewis Albert Dunn 1881-1967, Opal Fern Cartee Smith 1924, Sandra Lee Balcwin 1940, Tucker Lin Davidson 2005
Ulysses Hicks married Bertha Ann 'Annie' Arnold 1910, Raymond Minter Burford married Ruby Lois Thompson 1913, Henry Herdman II married Ruth Dowing 1816. 

Jess Cunningham Blankenship died 1961, John Henry Hicks died 1919 (father of Ulysses Hicks), Elza Walls died 1861.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

February 21

Clyde Larve Tatum 1935, Lynn Nicholson 1953, Mary Leona Williams 1909, Matthew Wehrly 1983, Vincent Scott Heinze 1967.

Raymond Arnold married Barbara Neldon 1976, John M Burford married Mary “Polly” Berry 1818, Charles Gard married Martha Nunley 1858.

MEMORIAL... William Jackson Dunn died 1951.

I don't have pictures of any of these people. So here are some pictures I just found yesterday while searching the internet for family history information:

Avery and Ila Cummings

who are the parents of Henry 'Captain Hank' Cummings.

Captain Hank has written a couple of interesting books on the Gibson family history.

Saturday, February 20, 2021

February 20

Daniel Joshua Derryberry 1913.

MEMORIAL... Hazel Herdman died 1984.

ANNIVERSARIES... Rev. John A Treat married Mary Hardin 1845,
Melvin Thomas married Alta Louella McConnohie 1919 (pictured, with son Roger)

Friday, February 19, 2021

February 19

George Woodson Sandefur 1871-1953 (husband of Nannie Hicks Sandefur, pictured, with grandchildren)

Deborah Collins 1955-1993
Nancy Jane Parker 1858-1899

Thursday, February 18, 2021

February 18

Gary Keith Carrigan 1954

Kennedy Marie Gray 2002 

Deliverance Green 1770-1835 
Della Pittman 1908 
Donna Carol Hightower 1964 
Edith Jewell Haynes 1948
Eva Jane Garrett 1940-1984
George Rufus Carter 1883-1967 
Victoria Viola Mowery 1870-1870 (age 10m 7d)

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

February 17

Isabel Matilda Carter Cartee 1875-1900 

Marvin “Ted” Burford 1942-1973 

Sharon Sue Burford Tripp 1946 

Errol Owen married Sheila Hayes 1973
Ronald Burford married Bethley Purchase 1972
Denise Ann Crawford married Horace Glen Clark 1990

Clara Powell White died 2000
Minerva Adaline Carter died 1946
Rebecca A Carter died 1899
Anna Oman Gard died 1855
Hazel Opal Herdman died 1971

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Malisa Evaline Burns Hicks


Having been informed on the FindAGrave website that I don't know my own great-great-grandmother's middle name, apparently, I thought I'd post her picture here.

(I guess there has to be one pompous ass in every crowd. Usually it's me!)

February 16

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO... Bailey Carol Searcy 1999, Chester Strange 1945, Daniel Lawrence Arnold Jr 1981, Elizabeth Garde 1613, James Earl 'Fuzzy' Gard 1901-1974, James Willis Mooney III 1972, John Edward Tatum 1941, Kenneth Dwayne Tucker 1956, Michael T Burford 1972, Robert Lee Gibson 1868.

ANNIVERSARY... (pictured) Agnes Carter married Elmer Baker 16 February 1930.

Monday, February 15, 2021


 In the process of updating these posts with new photos and some new information. I apologize for any confusion this may cause, as the posting dates are changing.

Photo: Cleffie Hicks Burford, writing her memoirs.

February 15

Albert Earl Williams 1907-1962
Gregory Bridges 1971 (the baby in the photo).

Also... Amy Adeline Williams 1851-1910, Caleb Scott Heinze 2001, Daniel Gard 1710, Mary Jane Gard 1856-1927, Ruth Huntington Gard 1764-1819, William M Gard 1832-1859.

Sunday, February 14, 2021


 A psychic once told me that I had a twin sister in the womb. She didn't develop (which is now known to happen in as many as 30% of twin pregnancies), and my embryo absorbed the tissues of her embryo very early in the gestation period. That sister's spirit has been with me throughout my life, an invisible companion. After finding this out, I searched the family genealogy for other twins. I found that there are a lot of twins in all branches of the family -- which makes it more likely that what the psychic told me is actually true. Here are some of the twins of which I have family photos...

Obie and Opie Arnold. First cousins of my grandmother, Cleffie Hicks Burford. 

Obie had twin sons, Toy and Coy Davidson:


On the Burford branch of the family tree are twins Caryl and Daryl Carwell:

Michael and Melanie Radde

And on my dad's side of the family, Lottie and Luttie Thomas:

Daisy and Dennis Leeth

These are just a few of the 18 sets of twins I found in our family histories.

February 14

Anna Eliza Parker (Franklin) 1860-1948
Elmer Richard Owen 1934-1987


A D White died 1997, Abner Samuel Rhoades died 1968, Ellen Eileen Miller died 1880, Dallas Neil VanMeter died 1990.

ANNIVERSARIES... Olive Burns married Kenion Tarpley Hulsey 1869, Thomas Lee Till married Susan Adair Burkholder 1975, Thomas Lee Till married Ronda Renae Wines 1997.

Valentine's Day


All nine children of my great-grandparents, Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks, with their spouses.
TOP: Irene and Golden 'Doc' Barnett, Cleffie and Lester Burford, Ruby and Arvil 'Jack' Barnett.
MIDDLE: Elvin and Mildred Hicks, Evalee and Charles Jones, Vernell and Ray Leatherwood.
BOTTOM: Olan and Barbara Hicks, Bernice and Jay Bridges, Lowell and Elaine Hicks.

Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks:
1910, shortly before they were married.

Annie and Ulys' 50th wedding anniversary, with their nine children - Ruby, Cleffie, Irene, Lowell, Elvin, Olan, Vernell, Evalee, Bernice.

(Their first child, a boy, was stillborn in 1911. In this photo I am sure he was present in spirit for this occasion, as evidenced by the orb near the ceiling.)

Saturday, February 13, 2021

February 13

John Henry 'Jack' Hicks 1909-1986 

In this photo he is with his sister Bess (left) and his wife 'Bill' (right). When I lived in Arkansas in my early 20s, Bess went to the same little country church I went to. I knew that my grandmother was acquainted with her, but not until recently did I figure out that Bess was actually part of our family!

Bess and Jack's father was Felix Hicks, brother to Ulysses Hicks, my great-grandfather.

More birthdays... Clyde James cousins 1903-1974, David Joe Seymour 1964, Horace Glen Clark 1969, Johnny Lee Carter 1970.