Wednesday, February 28, 2024

February 28

 Sarah Lovada Carter married William Earl Tatum 28 February 1930

Earl and Vada had two children - Elvin and Olla Mae.

Lovada Carter was the daughter of John Martin Carter and Amy Tamsett Carter

John was the brother of Adaline Carter Arnold (my great-great-grandmother).
Amy was the daughter of Sarah Tamsett.
PHOTOS: Adaline Arnold, Sarah Tamsett 
(The original of this photograph had both of these women sitting side by side, but I don't have the original)

Sarah's daughter Amy married Adaline's brother John Carter, and
Sarah's daughter Jessie married Adaline's son George Arnold.

So the Tamsetts were related by marriage to both the Arnold and the Carter branches of the family tree.

(And George Bullard married Josie Tamsett... but let's not get into that particular tangle of the Bullard/Tamsett/Arnold connections today.)

(Oh, and Earl Tatum's half-brother Hershel married George's daughter Opie Arnold...)

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