Tuesday, February 27, 2024

February 27

 Fiina Herranen Ford was born 27 February 1905 in Montana

She married Otho Simeon Ford 17 November 1928 in Tijuana, Mexico

Otho was the grandson of Charles McMillan Ford, who was the brother of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas.

Otho and Fiina had two daughters - Della and Effie
The last I knew Della was still living in Montana. She and my dad had a lively correspondence during the years he was working on the family history. I know my grandmother (Christie Thomas) kept in touch with Fiina and Otho by mail, even though they lived in Montana. I remember hearing their names mentioned from time to time, but I don't think I ever met them.

This picture is only labeled with the names of Effie and Charles Ford (back left). I think the couple kneeling in front may well be Fiina and Otho. Don't know who the other women are -- I wonder if they could be Luttie and Lottie Thomas (just because they are dressed in matching outfits) ???

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