Friday, February 16, 2024

February 16 & 17

Marvin Ted Burford was born 17 February 1942. 

I don't have any pictures of Ted as an adult. In this picture he is on the left. The boy on the right is a cousin, Larry Slocum.

Ted was the son of Killough Burford, a brother of my grandfather Lester Burford. I don't have any pictures of Killough as an adult. Ted's mother was Louise Lyon Burford.
This is the only picture I have of Louise.

Ted's son Michael Ted Burford was born 16 February 1972. Ted's wife, Dorothy, was born 06 February 1946. I don't have any pictures of them. All three of them died 07 February 1973 when a Navy jet crashed into their apartment building in Alameda, California. 

Here are some newspaper photos about the crash.

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