Sunday, February 25, 2024

February 25

 Bertha Ann 'Annie' Arnold was born 25 February 1893

John Davidson Arnold was born 25 February 1895
Annie Arnold was my great-grandmother. John was her brother. They were born on the same date 2 years apart. They were the children of John Henry Arnold and Adaline Carter Arnold. Henry and Adaline had three other children - George, Marlie, and Etta (called 'Ettie').

Back: George and Annie. Front: Aunt Peggy Bullard, Adaline holding Etta, John, Henry holding Marlie
(Aunt Peggy and her brother George Bullard raised Henry Arnold. He was their nephew.)

L-R: Marlie, John, Henry, Adaline, Annie, Etta
(George is not in this picture)

L-R: George, Annie, John, Marlie, Etta

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