Thursday, September 05, 2024

September 5

John Downing Herdman was born 05 September 1837

The Herdman family is related to the Treat family by the marriage of Belle Treat to Ulysses Grant Herdman. (Belle was the sister of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat). I have largely given up on trying to figure out exactly how individual Herdmans are related to one another. Here's one reason why it's so confusing --

The second generation of Herdmans in our family records consists of three brothers - John, Michael, and Henry - sons of Henry and Eva Elizabetha Shoemaker Herdman. These three Herdman brothers married three Downing sisters. John married Anna Susanna Downing, Michael married Jemima Downing, and Henry married Ruth Downing. 

John Downing Herdman is the son of John and Anna Susanna Downing.

John Downing Herdman married Margaret Johnson. They had five children - William McClellan 'Mack', Thomas, Alvaro, Aggie, and Mary.

PHOTO: Alvaro (Alvero?) Herdman

PHOTO: William McClellan 'Mack' Herdman, with his wife Laura Helterbran and Mabel (I don't know who Mabel is -- maybe their daughter?)

I don't have pictures of their other children.

* * *

Matthew Dallas Treat was born 05 September 1984
Matthew is the son of Terry Treat.
Terry is the son of Jack and Joanie Treat.
Jack was the son of John Dallas Treat (brother of my grandmother Christie Treat Thomas)

PHOTO: Jack and Joanie Treat with their children Terry, Jeff, and Jackie Jo.

PHOTO L-R: John and Mabel Treat, Jack and Joanie Treat, Christie and Bill Thomas

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Seth William Gard married Eliza Jane Helpman Conklin 05 September 1870
Seth Gard was a brother of my great-great-grandmother Adeline Lucretia Gard.
Adeline Lucretia Gard married Asa Gibson, and they were the parents of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.

From FindAGrave memorial for Eliza --
"Eliza Jane HELPMAN CONKLIN was the second wife of Seth W GARD, marrying on 5 Sep 1870 Richland Co, IL. They had no children. After she died, Seth took off for California."

Obituary of Seth William Gard.
28 December 1910, The Republican-Advocate, CO

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

September 4

Bernice Pope Burford married Dorothy Louise Moore 04 September 1938

Bernice was a brother of my grandfather Lester Burford

Bernice and Dorothy had six children - Jerry, George, David, Sue, Mike, and Jeannie

George, with his wife Josie

David and Sue

Mike and Jeannie

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

September 3

Alda Arizona DeAtley Johnson died 03 September 1960, age 73

She was the wife of William Thomas Johnson
William was a son of Jacob and Eva Herdman Johnson
(The Herdman family is related to the Treat branch of our family by the marriage of Belle Treat to Ulysses Herdman)
PHOTO: Ulysses and Belle Treat Herdman (sister of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat)

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Louise Cooper Arnold was born 03 September 1927 
Louise was the wife of  Noel Arnold
Noel was the son of Marlie and Birdie Arnold
Marlie was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks

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Rodney Lee Rice was born 03 September 1954
Rod is what we sometimes call "shirt tail" relatives. He is the son of Dale and Halo Rice.
Dale was a brother of Eileen Rice Thomas (wife of Bernarde Thomas, my dad's brother).
Rod and his brother and sister, Rick and Tammy, were in school with me in Hartford, Michigan -- so they were more familiar to me than some of my closer relatives.

Monday, September 02, 2024

September 2

 David Allen Burford, Jr. was born 02 September 1980

He is the son of David Allen Burford (son of Bernice and Dorothy Burford)

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Ida Florence Deselem was born 02 September 1890
She was the wife of Estle Treat (brother of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat)

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Mabel Josephine Colby was born 02 September 1874.
She was the wife of Roy Thomas (brother of my grandfather Bill Thomas)
PHOTO: Roy and Mabel Thomas

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Prudence Gibson Lough died 02 September 1883, age 83.
She was the daughter of Nicholas Gibson and Lydia Sink.
Nicholas was the great-great-grandfather of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.
Prudence Gibson married Peter George Lough in 1816.

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Shannon Renee Thomas was born 02 September 1976
Shannon is the daughter of Michael Bernarde 'Mick' Thomas.
Mick is the son of my dad's brother Bernarde Thomas.

Sunday, September 01, 2024

September 01

Felix Hallmark Hicks married Ida Lenora Sandefur 01 September 1901

Felix was a brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks.

PHOTO: Back - Felix, Ida holding Rosie, Ulysses. Front John Henry (father), Malisa (mother), David.

PHOTO: Felix and Ida with children Rosie and Odice.

PHOTO: Rosie, Odice, Odelcie - children of Felix and Ida Hicks

* * *

John Wesley Stoner died 01 September 1948, age 82.
John was the husband of Alice Parker (sister of my great-grandmother Massie Parker Treat)

PHOTO: John and Alice Stoner with their children - daughter Fairy and son Pearl

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Lois Ermell Arnold was born 01 September 1925
Lois was a daughter of Marlie and Birdie Arnold.
Marlie was a brother of my great-grandmother Annie Arnold Hicks.
PHOTO: Cousins - children of Marlie and Birdie Arnold, and children of Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks.

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Thomas Henry Williams died 01 September 1947, age 38
Tom was a son of Albert and Charlotte ("Tot") Hicks Williams.
Tot was a sister of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks.
PHOTO L-R: Ulysses and Annie Hicks, Charlotte and Albert Williams

* * *

Tracy Marie Jones married Timothy Andrew Jones 01 September 1990
Tracy is the daughter of Charles ("Buck") and Judy Jones.
Buck is the son of Charles and Evalee Hicks Jones (sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford)
PHOTO: Tracy and Timothy Jones with son Justin

Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 31

 Ned Jackson Carter married Helen Loeta Padgett 31 August 1935

PHOTOS: Ned Carter, Helen Padgett Carter

Ned was a son of John Martin and Amy Tamsett Carter

PHOTOS: John and Amy Carter
John was a brother of my great-great-grandmother Adaline Carter Arnold.

PHOTO: Ned Jackson Carter

Ned and Helen had one child, Glynda Faye
PHOTO: Glynda Faye Carter
(picture was taken by my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks)

Here is what Glynda wrote about her parents:
  John and Amy’s second child was Ned Jackson. He was named for his Grandpa Carter and his Grandpa Tamsett. Ned is my father. He was born 26 November 1909. He married Helen Leota Padgett 31 August 1935. They lived at Hardy, Desha and Banner. She was not a well person but worked very hard, sewing
for people and in church. She miscarried twice. I was born 21 September 1939. She had a very hard labor. She should have been in a hospital and had a caesarean, but she only had a country doctor that did not realize that. She hemorrhaged and died 25 September. She is buried at Pine Grove. Ned and baby lived with the Padgetts for about five years. 
  Ned married Maxine Qualls Green in 1945. I lived with them some, but mostly with my Padgett grandparents. Maxine had a boy, Elvis, who was about three years old. Ned and Maxine had no children. 
   Ned was a “Jack of all Trades”. He worked at sawmills, did mechanic work, worked for county road department and also worked as salesperson at two different building supply stores. He has been a piano tuner and rebuilds pianos too. In fact, he still does a lot of piano work. He has lived in Banner since 1939. He plays the piano by ear and has played at Mt. Zion Baptist Church for many years. He has been, and is a great dad.

--Glynda Faye Carter Tucker 1984

PHOTO: Ned Carter, Glynda Carter Tucker and her husband Dwayne.
I took this picture at the Carter/Arnold annual family reunion in Floral, Arkansas, in 1984.

August 30

 Elizabeth Evans Anderson was born 30 August 1840

Elizabeth was a sister of my great-great-great-grandmother Jane Evans Carter.
PHOTO: This is a photo (the picture above is a painting) of Elizabeth with her mother Sarah Bishop Evans. I assume the little girl is Elizabeth's daughter, but I don't know that for sure. I had this photograph a long time before I figured out who the people were. The back of the photo is labeled 'Bett and Sarah, sisters of Adeline carter Arnold' -- but I couldn't reconcile the photo with the genealogy. After a LOT of digging around the internet I was able to finally determine that they were not sisters of Adaline (my great-great-grandmother) but Adaline's aunt (Elizabeth) and grandmother (Sarah).
Generations: Sarah Bishop Evans, Jane Evans Carter, Adaline Carter Arnold, Annie Arnold Hicks (my great-grandmother)

Elizabeth Evans was married to John Anderson, a Civil War soldier.
I believe this is the oldest of all the family photographs in my possession.

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Mary Chlorine Miller married Alvie O Shannon 30 August 1936
I don't have a picture of Alvie Shannon.
Chlorine was a daughter of Violet Hicks and Rom Miller. I don't have a picture of either of them.
Violet was a daughter of Pinkney Hicks (brother of my great-grandfather Ulysses Hicks)
PHOTO: Hicks brothers Ulysses, Felix, Pinkney, and David.

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George Theodore Thomas died 30 August 1920, age 63

From my dad's family history records:
George was a first cousin of my great-grandfather Charles Thomas.
George's father (Uriah) and Charles' father (Washington) were brothers.