Friday, June 25, 2021

June 25


Jack Estle Treat 1883-1951

Estle Treat was the brother of my great-grandfather Marcus Elmer Treat. Marcus was the father of my dad's mother, Christie Treat Thomas. (So Estle was Grandma's uncle -- my great-grand-uncle.)

Photo: John A Treat family. Wife Martha Susan Walls, children Marcus, Belle, and Estle. 

The family story goes that Marcus always said Estle spoiled the pie after he was born because they now had to cut the pie into five pieces instead of four.

Estle married Ida Florence Deselem.
Estle and Ida had five children: Marjorie, Helen, Opel, John, and William Rodney. I don't have pictures of any of them except William Rodney.

Here are all the other photos I have of Jack Estle Treat:

I never met Estle. He died before I was born. I'm sure I met Marcus -- my great-grandfather -- but I would have been very young and I don't remember him. He died in 1956 when I was one year old. I do remember meeting Aunt Belle once or twice on trips to Ohio with my grandparents. She died in 1962. Aunt Belle's daughter Faun was my grandmother's favorite cousin and we visited her several times when I was a child. She and I had the same birthday -- November 10 -- and we always sent each other birthday cards every year until she died in 2002. Estle was also born on November 10th.

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