Thursday, June 24, 2021

June 24


Roger Eugene Thomas 1922-2012 

Roger was the son of Melvin Thomas and Alta McConnohie Thomas.

Mel Thomas was a brother to my grandfather Bill Thomas. So Roger and my dad were first cousins.
Roger inherited the Thomas family farm in Bangor, Michigan. 
He was the fifth generation to work the farm since it was purchased by Washington Lafayette Thomas in 1853.
Photos: Top left Washington Lafayette Thomas, top right Arthur Lafayette Thomas, bottom left Charles H Thomas, bottom right Melvin Thomas. 

*     *     *
This isn't a very good picture, but I wanted to include it anyway because the little baby with the bonnet is my dad, Richard Thomas. The dapper fellow in the striped socks is my dad's brother Bernarde. The other boy and girl are Roger Thomas and his sister 'Jerry' (Geraldine). My dad was born in November 1934, so I guess this picture was taken some time in 1935.


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