Sunday, May 23, 2021

May 23


Col. John Gibson 1740-1822

John Gibson is one of our 'famous' (according to the DAR) ancestors. He was "the Indian agent at Pittsburgh to represent the interests of Virginia, in 1775, was elected the Colonel of the 6th Virginia and commanded a regiment during battles in the American Revolutionary War. After the war, he was a merchant, a member of Pennsylvania's constitutional convention in 1790, a judge in Allegheny County, (1791-1800) and Major General in command of the State Militia. In 1800, President John Adams appointed him Secretary of the Indiana Territory, serving until 1816. During that time, he was also appointed acting Indiana Territorial Governor, serving (1812-13) and then he returned to his position as Secretary of the Indiana Territory and continued in office until Indiana achieved statehood. After completing his term in Indiana government, he retired to private life in Pennsylvania, until his death at age 81." (from his memorial on the Find-A-Grave website) 

John married the daughter of Oneida Indian chief Shikellamy. She was killed in the Yellow Creek Massacre of 1774 and their son Nicholas was reportedly kidnapped at that time and lived with the Indians for several years before being traded back to some white settlers for a barrel of whiskey. Actually, that's just one of many conflicting accounts -- each more hair-raising than the last. The one fact that is consistent in all those stories is that Nicholas Gibson was the son of John Gibson and Anne 'Koonay' Shikellamy and was one of our Gibson ancestors. 

John Gibson was my grandfather's (Lester) great-grandfather's great-grandfather. 


Gwendolyn Dean Arnold Duzan 1955-1994

Jack Dalton Aanderson 1997


Claude Brackett married Hope Arnold 1953


Josie Alva Carter died 1989

Lewis Thomas Parker died 1942

Lucy Lenora Parker died 1890

Sarah Thomas Bentley died 1824, age 88

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