Saturday, May 15, 2021

Book, books




Okay, well now. I have submitted two new books for publication through Amazon. One of them is All My Born Days -- basically this blog in book form. The other one is Not Poems. I published a book of my poems a couple years ago, and the only copy ever sold was the one I bought. LOL! So I unpublished it this week, reworked it with some new material, gave it a new title, and submitted it. Both of these new books have now been submitted in hardback, paperback, and Kindle versions. Much as I hate to say it, the hardback versions are WAY overpriced -- especially if you have to pay for shipping. (Amazon's shipping rates are outrageous for anything you order. I think they do it to try to coerce people into subscribing to Amazon Prime.) 

Anyway... Two or three days from now the books should all be available on Amazon, if anyone is interested. Quite frankly, I write books just because I can. It's fun. And it gives me something to do with my time and my overactive brain. I don't ever really expect anybody to buy them, and I'm always surprised (and a little frightened) if they do. The money aspect is totally a non-issue. Who ever dreamed my little books would actually make me a hundredaire?! 

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