Wednesday, May 19, 2021

May 19


Adam Michael Brackett 1976

Beverly Zielke Bridges 1948

David Johnson 1934

Ernie Wayne Dunn 1912-1986

Johnny Neal Newman 1954-1982

Mark Anthony Brackett 1969

Megan Rilee Radde 2004

Rebecca Garde Champlin 1616-1644 (born in England)

Ruth Ellen Gard Osmon 1929


Robert Michael Reeves II married Diana Reeves 1979

Shelby Jay Bridges married Beverly Zielke 1967

Evan Royce Hicks married Deborah Collins 1973


Job Gard died 1829

Katherine Belle Treat Herdman (right) died 1962, age 90

Aunt Belle lived 90 years and never cut her hair. I remember she had a long braid down her back that touched the floor. She did finally cut her hair shortly before she died because it was giving her headaches.

I probably shouldn't post a picture of Aunt Belle literally on her death bed. But here it is, anyway. That's my grandparents, Bill and Christie Thomas, with her. She was Christie's aunt. She lived in Ohio and I went with Grandma and Grandpa just about every summer to visit all of Grandma's relatives there. Belle was the mother of Grandma's favorite cousin Faun McDonald. She and I had the same birthday and she sent me a birthday card every year until she died.

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