Monday, October 30, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 30

Kara Diane Wilson was born 30 October 1985

Photo L-R: Jim, Kara, Kristin, Sherry Hombs. 

Kristin is Jim and Sherry's daughter. 

Kara is the daughter of Kristin's sister Kyle. 

Jim Hombs is the son of Juanita Burford and Mel Hombs.

Juanita was the sister of my grandfather Lester Burford. 

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Max Josiah Miller died 30 October 1953 age 64

The Miller family is related by marriage to the Ford family. 

The Ford family is related by marriage to the Thomas family -- Nancy Ford Thomas was my great-grandmother.

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Otho Horace Ford was born 30 October 1887

Otho's father, Charles Ford, was the brother of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas.

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Seth Oswald Ormsbee died 30 October 1995 age 79

Seth was the husband of Virginia Witter. 

Virginia was the daughter of Julia Gibson. 

Julia Gibson was the sister of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.

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Smith Gibson married Rebecca Ocheltree 30 October 1847
I don't have a picture of Rebecca Ocheltree. 
Smith Gibson was the father of Asa Gibson. 
Asa Gibson was the father of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.

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Sylvia Vernell Hicks was born 30 October 1925

Vernell was the sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

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William Rodney Treat died 30 October 1973 age 51

William Rodney Treat was the son of Estle Treat. 
Estle was the brother of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat.

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