Tuesday, October 31, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 31

Camille Vitale Radde was born 31 October 1966

Camille is the wife of Scott Radde 
Scott is the son of Beverly Jones and Ted Radde
Beverly Jones was the daughter of Evalee Hicks and Charles Jones
Evalee Hicks was a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford

Scott and Camille are the current owners of the Neon Grill in Benton Harbor, Michigan
The Neon Grill was originally owned and operated by Dale and Cindy Bridges Haigler
Cindy is the daughter of Bernice Hicks and Jay Bridges
Bernice Hicks was the sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford
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Cecil Myrick Hurlbut was born 31 October 1888

Cecil is the little boy in this photo. His mother was Etta Thomas, sister of my great-grandfather Charles Thomas

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Diana Georgeakopolos Stickels was born 31 October 1924
Photo: Diane Stickels standing in my dad's cactus garden, Downey, California
Diane is the mother of Becky Stickels Burford
Becky is the wife of Morris Burford
Morris is the son of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford

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Jennie Edith Burford Searcy died 31 October 1980 age 91
Edith was the daughter of my great-grandfather Alexander Oscar Burford, Jr. and his first wife Helen Virginia Lockard

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Jesse Carl Haynes was born 31 October 1921
In this photo Jesse Carl Haynes is second from left.
He was the husband of Edith Willene Searcy.
Edith Willene Searcy was the daughter of Jennie Edith Burford

Monday, October 30, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 30

Kara Diane Wilson was born 30 October 1985

Photo L-R: Jim, Kara, Kristin, Sherry Hombs. 

Kristin is Jim and Sherry's daughter. 

Kara is the daughter of Kristin's sister Kyle. 

Jim Hombs is the son of Juanita Burford and Mel Hombs.

Juanita was the sister of my grandfather Lester Burford. 

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Max Josiah Miller died 30 October 1953 age 64

The Miller family is related by marriage to the Ford family. 

The Ford family is related by marriage to the Thomas family -- Nancy Ford Thomas was my great-grandmother.

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Otho Horace Ford was born 30 October 1887

Otho's father, Charles Ford, was the brother of my great-grandmother Nancy Ford Thomas.

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Seth Oswald Ormsbee died 30 October 1995 age 79

Seth was the husband of Virginia Witter. 

Virginia was the daughter of Julia Gibson. 

Julia Gibson was the sister of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.

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Smith Gibson married Rebecca Ocheltree 30 October 1847
I don't have a picture of Rebecca Ocheltree. 
Smith Gibson was the father of Asa Gibson. 
Asa Gibson was the father of my great-grandmother Lora Gibson Burford.

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Sylvia Vernell Hicks was born 30 October 1925

Vernell was the sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford.

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William Rodney Treat died 30 October 1973 age 51

William Rodney Treat was the son of Estle Treat. 
Estle was the brother of my great-grandfather Marcus Treat.

Sunday, October 29, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 29

Dorothy Louise Moore Burford died 2007 age 86

Dorothy married Bernice Burford 04 September 1938

Bernice and Dorothy had six children - Jerry, George, David, Sue, Mike, and Jeannie

Photos: Jerry, George with his wife Josie

Photo left: Bernice, Mike, Deb Burford (Bernice's brother)

Here are some comments my mother wrote about Aunt Dorothy:

  I have decided that Aunt Dorothy can't ever die! She knows everything about the Burford family but doesn't realize it.  When she dies, there won't be anybody else who knows all this stuff.  Jewels of information literally drop out of her mouth and she doesn't even know it...   

Aunt Dorothy cleared that up for me without me even asking about it.  She does that - it just rolls off her tongue...   

I wouldn't believe just anybody about that, but my Aunt Dorothy is the one who really told me about that, and I believe every word she says.    

One of the others just sort of hinted at it, but Dorothy tells things plain out and just like they are…

 Nothing shocks or rattles Dorothy.  She looks life square in the face and just deals with it... 

(excerpt from my book When We Were Irish)

Saturday, October 28, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 28

 George Ned Arnold married Eula Mae Burnett 28 October 1928

Randy Jack Anderson married Pauletta Petry 28 October 1978

Friday, October 27, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 27

Carl Julius Till Jr was born 27 October 1881

Ray Leatherwood was born 27 October 1928

Obie Arnold married Vernie Davidson 27 October 1934

Thursday, October 26, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 26

Agnes Margaret Till Weber died 26 October 1984 age 84

Annie Viola 'Topsy' Burns Carrigan died 26 October 2010 age 90

Gracie Belle Webb Arnold died 26 October 1992 age 95

Oma Dell Barnett Hawley died 26 October 2010 age 82

Mary Caroline Tatum (front, center) was born 26 October 1889

Ruth Iwana Carter married Clarence Hodges 26 October 1945

Vera Juanita Leeth Walls was born 26 October 1915

(Vera is the child in this photo, with her parents Leslie and Beckie Parker Leeth)

Wednesday, October 25, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 25

Betty Ruth Barnett Provance died 25 October 2016 age 75

Pearl Snyder Miller (left) was born 25 October 1875

Sarah Elizabeth 'Lizzie' Hoffman Naftzger died 25 October 1939 age 70

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 24

 Barbara Irene 'Bobbie' Barnett was born 24 October 1943

Bobbie is the daughter of Doc and Irene Hicks Barnett
Irene is a sister of my grandmother Cleffie Hicks Burford
Photo: Irene and Cleffie Hicks

Bobbie is the youngest of four girls - Velma, June, Betty, and Bobbie

What I remember, growing up, is that all four girls were called by double names -- an old Southern tradition that is still alive and well -- Velma Lee, Melba June, Betty Ruth, and Bobbie Rene. (That's not pronounced like Renee. It's "reen" - So Barbara Irene becomes "Bobbie Reen") When I was a kid I thought that was the coolest thing.

Monday, October 23, 2023

On This Day in Family History - October 23

 Jordan Scott Radde was born 23 October 1987

Jordan is the son of Scott and Camille Radde

Scott is the son of Ted and Beverly Jones Radde

Beverly Jones Radde was the daughter of Charles and Evalee Hicks Jones

Evalee was the daughter of my great-grandparents Ulysses and Annie Arnold Hicks