Friday, November 25, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 70 - Golden Wedding Anniversary


Annie and Ulysses Hicks on their 50th wedding anniversary, February 1960. With their nine living children. (The firstborn son died at birth in 1911.)

Ulys and Annie with some of their grandchildren - Wathada, Morris, Ron and Bob Burford (Cleffie's), Buck and Beverly Jones (Evalee's), Carl Ray, Velda, Mary Gail Leatherwood (Vernell's), Shelby and Cindy Bridges (Bernice's). February 1960.

Annie and Ulysses Hicks - 50th wedding anniversary. (These pictures were taken in their house on Empire Avenue in Benton Harbor, Michigan, in February 1960.)

Annie and Ulys with all nine of their children.
L-R: Ruby, Cleffie, Irene, Lowell, Elvin, Olan, Vernell, Evalee, Bernice

All nine of Ulys and Annie's living children, in order of age (front to back) - Ruby, Irene, Cleffie, Elvin, Evalee, Vernell, Olan, Bernice, Lowell. 

*   *   *

Just a reminder -- this album has been recreated in my latest book Cloud of Witnesses -- Ulys and Annie, available in Kindle or paperback on Amazon.

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