Thursday, November 03, 2022

UlysAnnie album, page 54 - Buck and Beverly


Buck Jones, 11 days old
(I don't know. It's just a thing -- 11 days old? Must take picture.)



Beverly and Buck
(as I recall, striped T-shirts were the height of children's fashion for a couple decades)

*   *   *

Here's a little anecdote about Beverly (written by Wathada):

Evalee Hicks  married Charles Fletcher Jones, Jr. on June 5, 1940.  Charles was from Bald Knob, Arkansas, just 5 or 6 miles from Judsonia.  After they married, they lived in Bald Knob.  They had two children, a boy and a girl.  Charles was in the army and he was in World War Two.  He was in a lot of the bad fighting and it was a bad time.  He and Evalee had a little boy (Charles  Fletcher Jones III, called Buck) and their daughter, Beverly was born while Charles was in  the war.  He didn't see Beverly until she was two years old. She was a pretty little girl with lots of blond curls.  She thought her daddy was a picture of Charles because while Charles was gone Evalee would show her that picture and tell her that was her daddy.  When Charles came home and they told her he was her daddy, she didn't take it very well and she would run and get that picture which she thought was her daddy.  But she warmed up to Charles gradually.  He had a shoe repair shop and he would make leather strap sandals too.  He would take her to the shop with with him and let her play around the shop while he worked. Beverly  liked that, and they formed a bond between them that way and she soon learned to love him very much. 

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