Monday, March 07, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album


1. Mildred Hicks, Cleffie Burford, Evalee Jones 1940 (expecting Junior, Bob, and Buck)

2. Family picnic. Not sure of exactly who they all are. I think the girl on the far left is Wathada. The woman kneeling on the ground on the right is Annie, and the tall man in the hat is Ulys. Among the children are for sure Ronnie and Beverly, Buck and Bob -- not quite sure of the others. Pretty sure Vernell is sitting on the ground, and that might be Ray sitting near her, so two of the children in front of them might be Carl Ray and Velda. So... of the women standing, one must surely be Cleffie, and one Evalee (because their children are in the picture). The man bent over at the far right might be Charles Jones...? That doesn't account for everyone in the photo, but it's as close as I can come.

3. Annie Hicks, center, and her six daughters. L-R: Bernice, Vernell, Evalee, Cleffie, Irene, Ruby.

4. Charles and Evalee, Beverly and Buck, with Ulys and Annie, 1948.

5. Some of Ulys and Annie's grandchildren. (Let's see if I can remember what it took a team effort to figure out...) Back L-R: Velma Lee, June, Wathada holding Russell, Oma Dell, Morris, Buck, Betty Ruth. Front L-R: Carl Ray, Clint, Ron, Shelby, Mary Gail, Bob, Velda, Bobbie Rene, Beverly, Chuck, Jeannie. This would have been 1951.

6. L-R: Vernell, Cleffie, Olan, Ulys, Lowell, Annie, Irene, Ruby, Bernice, Evalee. (This is all the siblings except Elvin.)

7. Christmas 1950: Jack, Charles, Lester, Ray, Jay, Olan, Lowell.

8. Ronnie, Annie, Beverly. Hidden in the bushes behind them - Buck, Wathada, Bob.

9. Ruby (left) and Evalee (right). Evalee is holding Wathada. I'm not sure who the baby is that Ruby is holding, but I think it might be Velma Lee because she is the same age as Wathada. The other children, left to right, are Oma Dell, Vernell, Olan, Lowell, and Bernice. This would have been around 1936. 

Here are the individual photos:

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