Saturday, March 05, 2022

Family History Miscellaneous album


This album - Family History Miscellaneous - actually no longer exists in hard copy. This page is from the original scan I did of the album before I re-organized the albums. I'm going to go ahead and post it, though, because it will provide a little more variety among the various branches of the family tree.

1. Cleffie Hicks and cousin Sylvia Arnold
2. Clint, Jeannie, and Chuck Hicks, children of Olan and Barbara Hicks
3. Destruction from the tornado in Judsonia, Arkansas, in 1952
4. Lena Carter, daughter of George Thomas Carter
5. Annie Arnold Hicks with cow
6. Destruction from Judsonia tornado
7. Annie Arnold Hicks
8. Katie and Kevin Siggins, grandchildren of Della and Otho Simeon Ford (on the Thomas branch of the family tree)
9. Morris and Becky Burford

Here are the photos in their original size

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