Monday, February 28, 2022


 I think these might be from the 1988 Hicks family reunion. Not sure.

L-R: Lowell, Bernice, Olan, Vernell, Evalee, Cleffie, Irene, Ruby
These are all of Ulys & Annie's children except Elvin (who died in 1974)
Lined up in order of birth (right to left -- Ruby's the firstborn)

Same group, with spouses: Lowell & Elaine, Bernice & Bill, Olan & Barbara, Vernell & Ray, Evalee & Charles, Cleffie, Irene, Ruby & Jack

Not sure if this was a reunion, or maybe a church gathering. Vernell in the red sweater, Bernice in red vest with white collar, Bill (Bernice's husband) in white jacket.

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