Wednesday, February 09, 2022

Carter/Arnold reunion 1994


Top: Oma Dell, Bernice, Cleffie
Bottom: Bernice, Oma Dell, Cleffie, Ruby

Ruby, Cleffie, and Bernice are sisters. Oma Dell is Ruby's daughter, Cleffie and Bernice's niece. Oma Dell was actually older than her aunt Bernice. Ruby was the oldest of the 9 children of Ulys & Annie Hicks. She married young, and when she had Oma Dell some of her brothers and sisters were still children. Annie gave birth to two more children after her 1st grandchild (Oma Dell) was born. 

Top: Wathada and Hope
Bottom: Wathada and Cleffie

Wathada is Cleffie's daughter (my mother). Hope is a cousin of Cleffie's -- Cleffie's mother Annie and Hope's father Marlie were brother and sister. 

Siblings: George, Annie, John, Marlie, Etta
These are the children of John Henry and Adaline ("Maw") Arnold

Annie was my great-grandmother, who married Ulysses Hicks. I'm not sure I ever met any of the others, but all my life I heard a lot about Uncle George, Uncle John, Uncle Marlie, and Aunt Ettie.

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